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The Reign of Terror:  The Edwardian Cricketer Media Review

The Reign of Terror: The Edwardian Cricketer Media Review

1st Doctor, Susan, Barbara Wright, and Ian Chesterton

Author: EdwardianCricketer/Saturday, June 17, 2017/Categories: Blog, Episode Review

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Doctor Who - The Reign of Terror. Script by Dennis Spooner. Directed by Henric Hirsch and John Gorrie. Produced by Verity Lambert. 1964.

This six-part story takes its dear, sweet time to build the characters and tell the story. There is quite a lot of dialogue with little action. Being one of the hallmark historical stories, the costumes and sets are fantastic. There did seem to be a serious lack of French accents. There are two episodes that are among those listed as lost but they have been re-created here in excellent animation, even if some of the scenes or shots were re-used a bit more often than they probably should have been. The story is good if somewhat long, made to feel longer by all the exposition. The time travelers do meet Robespierre and just miss meeting Napoleon.

Story summary

Production notes


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