Meet Meghan...
Krewe du Who: Why do you cosplay, or what do you like the most about cosplaying?
Meghan Haas: I love having the ability to be a character for the day, the way I see them!
KdW: How many costumes do you presently own?
MH: 20+
KdW: What makes a costume one that you want to recreate?
MH: I love making the obscure characters come to life. Not necessarily the underappreciated ones, but the ones who are around for a short amount of time that make a big impact; or the costume that you only see once.
KdW: Do you belong to any costuming groups?
MH: The Louisiana Cosplayers, The Louisiana Super Heroes.
KdW: Do you attend any of the larger cons such as DragonCon in Atlanta?
MH: I go to Dragon*Con every year, MechaCon, Wizard World. Trying to expand further.
KdW: What was the best experience you've had in costume?
MH: Someone recognizing me dressed as Aya Matsuura from a really cheesy music video from 2004 at Dragon*Con 2 years ago. Only took 6 years of wearing it for someone to recognize me!
KdW: While in costume have you met the original actor that you're playing tribute to? If so, what was his or her response?
MH: I met a voice actor from Sailor Moon once, and I was in my Sailor Cosmos costume and they said they were happy to see her get some love! I also met Adrienne Curry once before dressed as Leeloo and she said I looked just like Milla Jovovich because I’m so small like her. I thought that was pretty badass.
KdW: What do you like the most about Doctor Who?
MH: How the Doctor needs the companions to keep him “human” and grounded. I love that aspect of the show.
KdW: Have you been involved with Krewe du Who before?
MH: I’m in the online group and I communicate from time to time, but [NOLA Time Fest] was my first first-hand experience.
KdW: Why Romanna?
MH: My best friend, Karrie, who wore the costume LOVES Romana and how she is the President and powerful and a Time Lord…I don’t even think these are all the reasons. The Pink Frock can have like 3 outfits, too! I Love that!
KdW: Please describe what it took to make this costume.
MH: It took from the Saturday before to the day of the convention, working on it every night that week. I had to alter a pattern for the collar and alter the patter because we are both under 5’ tall, haha.