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Who's who in Krewe du Who - Patrice Carter

Author: sanman/Friday, July 26, 2013/Categories: Blog, Who's Who in KdW

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Meet Patrice...

Hello, my  name is Patrice, and I am a Whovian.  I work random phrases like “spoilers”  and “sorry….so sorry” into every day conversation.  When I see something remotely the same shade of blue as the Tardis I think “great color.” My sense of home decorating has changed.  Thanks to Pinterest I now want to paint my fridge blue and slap a “Police Box” sign on it. 

I’m not crazy, I have just discovered a wonderful show that has captured my imagination.  It all began less than a year ago.  Around this time last year I happened to have a Friday off of work.  Looking for something to watch while I did some house cleaning I tuned into BBC  America.   Doctor Who was on.  “Aw, man,” I thought.  “It’s that weird show with that guy in the scarf that used to play on LBP a 100 years ago.  Why is it still on the air?” 

I pulled up the channel guide.  The episode began playing in the upper left corner as I scrolled through the channels.  A young woman walked through a deserted house.  There was writing on the wall.  As she read the word “duck” she hesitated then ducked.  Something flew past where she had been standing.  I thought, “Well, that was interesting.”  Of course, the episode was “Blink.” I was absorbed by it and didn’t move from the TV the entire hour.  

Although, I liked the story and thought it was entertaining, I did not look for additional episodes to watch.  It wasn’t until a couple of weeks later when I decided Doctor Who series would be worth looking into.   “Are you my mummy?” That little voice was the siren song that drew me in completely.   “The Empty Child” and “The Doctor Dances” made me want to find out as much as possible about this man and what other adventures he may have.  “Everyone lives, Rose. Just this once, everybody lives!”

I had the impression he was so accustomed to loss that having a “happy ending” was a rare thing.   Wanting to test my theory, I turned to Neflix.  Over the next 5 weeks I managed to watch 83 episodes of Doctor Who.  It was the only television I watched for weeks.  Nothing else was half as interesting as stepping into the Tardis.  My brain was full of Cybermen, Daleks, Time Lords, companions, regenerations and wibbly-wobbly stuff.  

So, I had all this information to process but no one to discuss my new hobby with.  Using a website called meetup.com I discovered a Starfleet chapter here in Baton Rouge.  Having been a lifetime fan of science fiction this group was a perfect fit for me.  They were a great group of people who also just happen to sponsor a Doctor Who viewing group here in Baton Rouge. 

I could not wait to go my first Doctor Who viewing.  I arrived excited, anticipating meeting a group of people who would know what I meant when I said, “Spoilers!” and “wibbly-wobbly.”  There were two people there.  It didn’t matter.   I had made the connection with other Whovians.  Over the course of the next few months I learned about classic Doctor Who and discovered Krewe du Who. 

In addition to the weekly viewings I also helped out with the NOLA Time Fest.  It was epic.  As much as I love Doctor Who and think everyone should watch it I was still amazed by the maximum capacity attendance.  I watched the hundreds of people come through the entrance and then walk around with huge grins on their faces, excited to share in the experience of being around others who “get it.”  They all loved the jelly-babies-exterminate-bow ties-paradox-regeneration-fantastic-don’t blink-wibbly-wobbiliness that comes with being a fan of Doctor Who. 

Overall, for me, the best part of being a Whovian  is that it is so exciting to talk to someone about Doctor Who, learning history about the show, gain new insight from someone’s opinion, or just hear someone talk about their “favorite Doctor.”  The bouncing off of ideas, likes, and dislikes never gets old. I do have other interests and hobbies.  I am a member of the USS Corsair Starfleet chapter and part of a board game group.  I sew quilts, watch movies, love to read, and do other everyday normal things.  It just so happens that Tuesday is my favorite day of the week because I get to meet up with other Whovians, step into the Tardis, and head off on an adventure! 

If you would like to learn more about our Baton Rouge Doctor Who viewings, you can check out the Facebook page at facebook.com/batonrougewho. Hope to see you there!


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