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Slipback: The Edwardian Cricketer Book Review

6th Doctor, Peri

Author: EdwardianCricketer/Tuesday, April 14, 2015/Categories: Blog, Book Review

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This was the novelization of a BBC Radio play from about 1985 featuring Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant. Saward seemed to be trying to write in Douglas Adams' style but didn't quite get there. The first part of the book was very vaguely reminiscent of "Hitchhikers Guide," right down to the description of torturous poetry or whatever it was. And the Doctor wasn't even present in the first part. Part two seemed to be more of Saward's own style. Curiously, I liked his novelization of "The Visitation" but this was just bad. He basically just told the reader the story in the narrative, almost like he got bored with it. The Doctor really had nothing to do. His presence was almost coincidental. And what became of Grant, the thief who came on board the TARDIS at the end of the story? I guess we'll never know.

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