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Who's Who in Krewe du Who - Nicole Pixel Allen

Who's Who in Krewe du Who - Nicole Pixel Allen

Author: sanman/Wednesday, August 28, 2013/Categories: Blog, Who's Who in KdW

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Meet Nicole...

I'm one of the unfortunate souls that did not know about Doctor Who until after the "rebirth". I got into Chewbacchus as a photographer, because I loved all things nerd and I liked cosplay and I knew people doing it. Oh and I like those movies, about the furry guy and the scoundral in space... Star Wars... (R2D2's my favorite!) But this is supposed to be about how I got into Doctor Who and Krewe du Who, so.

It was peer preasure; that and all the really cool tee shirts that I didnt understand. By the time I decided it was time to watch Doctor Who, Tennant was in his last season. I started with Christopher Eccelston because that was just the thing to do. I was very into watching series from start to finish at that time thanks to Netflix. I'd just finished Lost and all of Buffy. I needed something new. My friend, Chris, suggest I start watching Doctor Who so that he would have someone else to talk about it with. So I did. The first night, I think I watched over half the first season. By the third night of watching after work, I had finished the Bad Wolf storyline. I was hooked. This was before I even got to Tennent! There was no turning back.

I've now seen all the episodes up to present. I've slacked off on my Torchwood though, which is odd because of how much I love Jack Harkness, and how different but still great the Torchwood spinoff is. There's so much to love about Doctor Who that there really is something in it for just about anyone. It's both funny and serious. Heart warming and tear jerking. The writing is without a doubt some of the best writing for television or film right now.

Anyone who has had a part in Krewe du Who at all, knows that it's like a giant family. We all love Doctor Who and love to have a good time. These things just go together. If you want to be a part of something nerdy and awesome, there's a place for you in KdW. We all share a love for nerdiness and Doctor Who, so there's a place for everyone here.

Signing off!
Nicole Pixel

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